On Sunday I was lucky enough to attend Dance Magic’s year end music recital and enjoy the wonderful music of a group of talented kids!  I think I’ve told you already that this performance is quite different from a Dance Magic dance show.  For one thing, it’s a much more intimate experience.  Instead of being on a big stage, with a bunch of friends beside you, and bright lights hiding the audience from you – these brave young musicians were on a small stage, mainly by themselves with an audience sitting mere feet in front of them hanging off their every note.  I am so amazed by these young people, their confidence is inspiring!

This beautiful young lady kicked off the second show with a bang – her voice was so powerful and so unexpected coming from such a little thing!  She gave me goosebumps – what an auspicious start to the show!


There were so many talented young men serenading us that I couldn’t pick just one to show you…

Music recital 20131

And bunches of sweet young ladies whose fingers flew across the piano keys!


I especially enjoyed this lovely young singer who was accompanied on the ukelele by her sister!


But I must say, young Master Walter stole my heart.  He marched across that stage with such purpose, in his polka dotted bow tie – sat down at the piano and wowed us all!  He played so well, his music from memory with no books in front of him – then he marched off the stage to thunderous applause.  Such a dedicated and serious young man!


This group of young singers were fantastic – and one little sweetheart in a pink dress kept sneaking smiles at someone over my shoulder!  She was so sweet and I loved them so much I hated to see them leave the stage!


All of these young people obviously worked so very hard to put on this wonderful show for us and I know all of their families and friends are so very proud!  Equally proud of their students are the fantastic music teachers at Dance Magic.  I know each of the students is so grateful for all of their encouragement and support over the past year.


If you have a young rising star who loves to sing in the backseat, or plays air guitar every time his favorite song comes on the radio – you really should consider music classes.  Registration is going on right now!  I am in awe of the confidence these young people exuded on that stage, and so very proud to watch them grow and improve each year.  I think the smiles on the faces of both teachers and students say it all – music makes everyone happy!


See you all at Carnival Cinemas on Sunday, June 23 for Student Appreciation Day!!